Unique polar covers commemorating the yearly expeditions


Unfortunately, there are no constant budgetary resources available that would secure the continuity of Karupelv Valley Project. Yet, the distinctive feature of this project is its unparalleled longevity. Therefore, the project heavily relies on sponsors and generous support from private donators. In order to safeguard its existence the founders of the Karupelv Valley Project came up with an unconventional, yet effective idea for funding: Souvenir items for collectors of polar covers. The unique envelopes are illustrated with the expedition logos as well as an annually developed and elaborately designed project expedition cachet. All mail is hand-cancelled with pictorial cancellation stamps in Greenlandic postal facilities. By supporting the Karupelv Valley Project, collectors of philatelic items can add an exquisite and unique flair to their stamp collection. Subscribers will also receive a brief outline on the expedition.


Subscribe now for 2018:


Deadline 15.06.2018


Requests and pre-orders shall be directed to:


Dr. Benoît SITTLER

Gartenstraße 7

D-79098 Freiburg

Tel. 0761 2033629 Fax. 0761 2033638




The subscription price for these items amounting to 12 Euros each (10 Euros if you order two or more) is payable through online banking by using following IBAN and SWIFT codes:


Deutsch-Französische Grönland-Expedition

Deutsche Bank Freiburg

IBAN DE71680700240245190401



Some practical advice for subscribers

Examples of what such souvenirs will look like are provided below. For  subscriptions, European Standard Envelopes or commercial envelopes in the size format DIN C6 (11 cm x 16 cm) or DL (11 cm x 22 cm) should be given priority.

Please make sure, that there is enough space left for the illustrated cachets as well as for the Greenlandic stamps when writing your address on the envelopes.

Karupelv Valley Project
